Ana Canengez on inequality and immigration

Despite contributing to the country and working hard, many immigrants face familial separation and the threat of deportation. Ana Canengez, a motel housekeeper, discusses why she moved to the US to give her children a better future, and her search for dignity and justice for all immigrants. 


ANA CAÑENGEZ: Inequality is the great suffering that we immigrants are experiencing because of these family separations. That is why I’m here to speak for the 11 million undocumented people that we have in this country.

[Inequality is logo. A graphic black equal sign with an orange slash through it. #InequalityIs. Ana Cañengez, motel housekeeper. A Latina woman with shoulder length curly brown hair and brown eyes.]

I came to this country in search of a better future for my children. For three years, I have been fighting a deportation order. My daughter is so attached to me. She would have to stay here with two of her brothers. It terrifies me. It terrifies me so much. I think we all deserve to be with our children. That’s why I’m here asking for change.

[A large gathering of rallying activists hold hands, lift hands in the air, and close their eyes. A priest leads a prayer.]

PRIEST: Our father, we know that you love us. Mother Mary was a migrant. Jesus was also a migrant.

ANA CAÑENGEZ: Like all the immigrants who come here to work I feel very proud to be able to contribute to this country. We work very hard in our jobs. We want to be seen as people of value. We want dignity. We’re looking for justice. We’re seeking equality for all.

[Inequality Is Logo. Join the conversation. #InequalityIs.]

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