Chioma Agwuegbo
Executive Director, TechHerNG

“Leadership involves three kinds of accountability: first to the people for whom the power is held in trust, then to the cause or reason for your intervention, and finally to yourself. It is feminist, accountable and open to reflection and deliberation.”
Chioma Agwuegbo is a women’s rights activist and technology educator based in Nigeria. She is the executive director of TechHerNG, an organization focused on making technology accessible to women and finding tech solutions for societal problems. Her strategic initiatives advance causes, foster business development, and enhance communication between government and citizens.
Chioma is engaged with how women’s issues intersect with media, politics, and technology. TechHerNG oversees KURAM, a web-based platform that tracks incidents of online gender-based violence. TechHer is also piloting a rapid fund that will provide support to survivors of sexual and gender-based violence within a 24-hour window. She has held leadership roles in campaigns such as Enough Is Enough, Occupy Nigeria, Not Too Young to Run, and State of Emergency GBV, which she convened in June 2020 to address rising sexual and gender-based violence during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Chioma understands that the widespread and ever-changing nature of violence against women and girls makes it difficult to confront. She believes that technology’s role in it must be addressed in order to achieve a world devoid of violence online and offline, where women and girls have equal, unfettered access to digital spaces and opportunities.