Alvaro Montenegro Muralles
Independent journalist and activist
he, him

“I believe in building spaces that allow everyone to fight for justice and work to hold powerful forces accountable.”
Alvaro Montenegro Muralles is a journalist and political and legal analyst that has collaborated with national and international outlets like Plaza Publica, El Faro, The New York Times, and Univisión. He has a law degree from Rafael Landívar University and has also written fiction, short stories, and poetry books. He is one of the founders of JusticiaYa, a civil society organization advocating for the rule of law and accountability that played a major role in the anti-corruption protests of 2015. He also co-founded the Alliance for Reforms, a coalition dedicated to the oversight of the justice system, coordinating communication and advocacy campaigns, promoting legislative reforms, and providing legal advice. He has promoted advocacy campaigns in coordination with organizations in Central America, México and the United States. Alvaro has been consulted by officials, foundations and various institutions, and has presented his findings in conferences in the US, Europe and Central and South America.
Vision: A society where the internal and external consciousness of citizens is greatly expanded to include knowledge and awareness of all things political, cultural, communication, art, writing, justice and environmental.