“Those on the margins of society have the power to radically shift us toward justice.”
Keamogetswe Seipato is a social justice activist and feminist. She is extremely passionate about deconstructing systems of oppression, questioning everything, grappling with anything and changing society as a whole. Sharing and creating information and knowledge with those who are affected by how the political economy of the world and Southern Africa works, coupled with inspiration for establishing the means to tackle a patriarchal capitalism is a key element of her activism. She was the program manager of the Alternatives to Extractivism and Climate Change program at the Alternative Information Development Centre, where her work focused on spelling out with activist and affected communities alternative development paths to tackle the ecological crisis and unfold a campaign to challenge corporate impunity. She previously worked in the youth development space and thoroughly enjoyed contributing to the building of youth activism in South Africa.
Vision: For those on the margins of society to collectively reconstruct the world and dismantle extractivist, profit driven motives that have created the multiple crises we are facing.