Luis Francisco Cabezas
General director, Convite Asociación Civil ORG
he, him

“I believe in a society that promotes the active, healthy, and dignified inclusion of elderly people.”
Luis Cabezas was born in Venezuela. He has been working all his work life in social programs for people in need. He has been working for the human rights of elderly people, promoting their active, healthy, dignified inclusion. He has led projects from the local and regional levels providing support and assistance for elderly people. He designed an assistance program for elderly people living alone and designed the Aging Observatory, a program that collects data to inform the needs of the elderly and is used in advocacy on their behalf. Luis Francisco founded 15 years ago the NGO Convite Asociación Civil, this organization is a reference in the country about the fight for social rights. Luis is leading a project offering humanitarian support for elderly people, the program´s focus is to bring assistance and protection to elderly people including ways they can look out for and care for each other.
Vision: A society that values people all ages without discrimination, where everyone is important, everyone is heard, and the the paradigm of aging is one of dignity.