Iracel Rivero
Grants Manager, Creativity and Free Expression

Iracel Rivero is a grants manager for Creativity and Free Expression supporting the Journalism and JustFilms teams.
Prior to joining Ford, Iracel was the grant manager for Trinity Church Wall Street’s Racial Justice and Housing and Homelessness initiatives, and the Fluxx system administrator responsible for leading system updates, integrations and improvements, and other projects to refine and improve the institution’s grantmaking processes. Before that, she worked for six years at The Rockefeller Foundation, most recently as grants specialist responsible for steering domestic and international grants throughout the grant lifecycle, providing support to program teams and grantees, conducting due diligence and compliance reviews, and facilitating redesign efforts aimed at improving and streamlining the foundation’s grantmaking.
Iracel studied theatre arts at the University of South Florida and graduated summa cum laude from The City College of New York with an interdisciplinary degree in literature, communications, and the arts.