Our work around the world

In 11 regions across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America, we work to make a global impact on the systems and structures that perpetuate inequality. We approach our grant making holistically, aiming to make connections between local efforts and global change so that the whole of our work is more than the sum of its parts.
Our international programs
Our international grant making is grounded in a global vision, and responsive to local and national contexts. This enables us to build synergy across regions, create stronger connections between local and global efforts, and make a broad, meaningful impact.
Civic Engagement and Government
We believe that meaningful civic engagement is an antidote to inequality, with rich potential to empower underrepresented and marginalized people and communities to raise their voices, claim space, influence decisions that affect them, and hold governments to account. In the current global order, civic space and civil society are both under threat. Our work is to help them thrive.
Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice
Despite significant progress, structural inequality based on gender, race, class, disability, and ethnicity persists around the world. But today’s challenging realities have helped fuel vibrant new leaders and movements that are engaging in innovative advocacy, forging unexpected alliances, and reframing narratives. Our work is to support courageous people and organizations in their efforts to harness this collective energy for political and social change that is humane, and lasting.
Learn more about our Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice work
Natural Resources and Climate Change
We support efforts to help rural communities gain more secure rights over land and forests, especially for indigenous peoples, racial and ethnic minorities, and women. We seek to improve natural resource governance, challenge irresponsible natural resource extraction, promote more equitable resource-related fiscal and tax policies, and curtail illicit financial flows. We also support efforts to promote climate change policies and investments that benefit rural and indigenous communities.
Learn more about our Natural Resources and Climate Change work
Future of Work(ers)
In addition to these key areas of focus, regional offices work with our Future of Work(ers) program to ensure all workers, regardless of their status, have equal rights to labor protections, that social protections are guaranteed to all, and that workers shape the policies and economic systems that affect their lives.
Technology and Society
In addition to these key areas of focus, all regions work with our Technology and Society program to advance more equitable and inclusive technology systems, policies, and norms, and to build the technical expertise of groups in other social justice fields.