At the Ford Foundation, our focus on social justice means we are committed to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We are always working to improve our grantmaking process, and to make sure our systems are efficient, easy to use, and accessible to everyone.
We know we still have work to do to make our grantmaking system, Fluxx, and our proposal and reporting process, more easily accessible to all, including people with disabilities, people without internet access, and non-English speakers.
In the meantime, we encourage grant-seekers to let their Ford contact know if they have a need for any assistance or disability accommodations. Our program teams are able to:
- Provide proposal and report forms in alternative formats, including accessible formats for people with disabilities;
- Accept proposals and reports in alternative formats, including audio and Word documents;
- Incorporate additional support for translation services or proposal assistance; and
- Build in additional time or financial resources for organizations or individuals who may need additional accommodations.
The new systems and processes we put in place in 2018 were intended to streamline and make the grantmaking process more efficient–so we want to make sure they have not in fact perpetuated or added barriers to access. And if they have, we want to address it.
In 2019, as we continue to work to align our systems and technology with our values of inclusion and accessibility, we want to hear from you. Please continue to let us know how we can do better.