Otto Saki
Program Officer, Civic Engagement and Government International

Otto Saki is a global program officer on the Civic Engagement and Government team. He joined the foundation as a program officer in the South Africa office in 2017. His areas of interest are global and regional political economy, regional economic communities, health, information technology, and governance. Otto has provided technical assistance to civil society, government ministries, and government agencies across sub-Saharan Africa on various law-related matters, including legislative reform. He has also litigated before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on matters relating to freedom of expression, protection of the law, and forced evictions.
In his spare time, Otto volunteers for community-based groups and start-ups on legal literacy, access to justice, technology, and law reform.
Otto holds an honors bachelor of laws degree and two master of laws degrees, one in human rights law and the other in information technology law.